Monday, October 25, 2010


Sam is now 20 months old and his personality has really come out recently. Here are a few things that our little Sam loves to do:
1. He is always asking "Where's Natalie". Aww!
2. He loves to find bugs and unfortunately there are lots of ants around our house. One day he laid on the sidewalk watching the ants for a long time!
3. He gets so excited any time he sees a truck, bus, fire truck, any kind of BIG vehicle.
4. He is still so sweet! he loves to give hugs, kisses and say "I love you".
5. His favorite pass time is watching "kisses" his class room fish. Every morning when we get to day care he has Natalie or I pick him up so he can see the fishy and make a fish face. I also hear from his teachers that he is very protective of this little fish. No one else can touch the bowl but him or the teachers! :) Haha, possessive, maybe?
6. He loves to wrestle with Jason on the floor. Jason pretends to roll over him and says "roooll oooover". Sam will lay on the floor and say it too for Jason to come and play with him.
7. It took him one try to learn the word awesome. AWESOME! He will repeat anything we say!
8. He saw a jeep and said "There's daddy" and was terribly disappointed when we pulled up next to it and daddy was not driving. Only daddy can have a jeep!
9. He still loves to push things: stroller, lawn mower, trucks, whatever he can find. He will push anything and find the hardest route around. This week he has been pushing the stroller in the backyard around and under the playset and under some tree branches that Jason cut down.
10. He talks in a monster voice every once in a while. A lot of times in the car. I will be driving down the road and all of a sudden a hear a "MAMI" in a deep hoarse voice! I turn around and he has his fists up making muscles and he has a big grin on his face. It is hilarious! I just laugh and turn back around!
11. He likes to make a fire truck sound, doggy sounds, anything he can pretend to be.
12. We have done this since Natalie was a baby but we ask while we are at the dinner table "who loves Mami", then "who loves Daddy?", and so on. Of course everyone says "I do!". Sam has started asking his own questions. He just says a bunch of gibberish with a question intonation an then yells "I do!!". Who knows what we are agreeing to when we say "I do" too!! :)
13. The other night he pulled me from my pant leg from the kitchen into the tv room. When we got to the couch he patted the couch and said "sit, sit", of course I did. Once i was sitting, he pushed me down so I was laying and then he climbed up and laid beside me. He has done this twice! it is so stinking sweet I can hardly stand it!
14. He loves to say "Oh, Gosh!"

He is such a cute little boy. Full of fun, laughter and sweetness. We love you very much little man!

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