Monday, October 4, 2010

Sam is 18 Months Old!!

Sam is 18 months old! and I can't believe it! He is so much fun and so much work at the same time. He is always moving at 100 mph! never stops but is so sweet and funny. He really loves playing and being around his big sister!

We went to the pediatrician and he is in perfect health. He still takes allergy medicine, but then again who doesn't in Kentucky! and he takes prilosec for his acid reflux. We actually don't know if he still needs it or not but everytime we take him off of it he seems to be teething or having some other ailment and we can't tell what is bothering him so he goes back on it. We will probably take him off it once he has stopped teething. Then we will be able to tell if he needs it or not. He is in the 50% for height, weight and head circumference. I can;t believe it but i actually lost his sheet for the dr so I don't remember how much he weighed and his height. I will get a copy when i go back and update this post then.

So a few things about Sam these days:
1. He is till very picky about eating meat. Some days he will eat it and some days not. Chicken nuggets are always a favorite but he only gets those every once in a while at McDonald's. But if we do take him to McDonald's he doesn't like the fries. Seriously? what kid doesn't like potatoes?
2. He loves fruit, rice, beans, pasta although I do think he is over apples. Maybe it's because that's all he ate for a while.
3. His favorite foods right now are probably banana and pasta. Yeah! lucky us for all that white food! (heavy sarcasm!)
4. He is always looking for Natalie. At day care he asks for her, at home if she is still sleeping, any time he is awake he wants to know where his big sis is. Natalie had a sleep over recently and the first things Sam said when he woke up was "where's Nani". How sweet!
5. He loves trucks! and anything he can push like a lawn mower or stroller. One day he found Natalie's skates and decided they made good trucks to push around!
6. He absolutely has no fear. He has a big dump truck that he can sit on and ride. He had it in the kitchen on the hardwood floor and decided he wanted to go back to the tv room which is three steps down. He just went down the steps with the truck, didn't even try to get up and tumbled over. He cried for a bit but then walked up to his truck and rode it again. At least now when he gets to the steps he gets off and pushes the truck over and then follows!
7. He loves being outside which has been hard this summer because it has been terribly hot!
8. He has learned to say I love you which comes out more like "Iluyou" it is so darn cute!!
9. He has luckily not tried to climb out his crib. The only thing he hasn't tried to climb!
10. After two tries Sam left this best friend behind, his paci "baby". It was hard the first time and lots was going on (Martinez family visiting, me going out of town) so he got it back after a couple of days. A few weeks later we tried again and it was so easy! I guess he just wasn't quite ready for baby to leave the first time. The little man is getting so big!
11. His favorite movie is CARS! how could it not be!

Sam making a mess eating rice and beans. Yummy!
Just passing time in daddy's jeep!
What skates? These are my new trucks!

With is favorite toy while Natalie is in Gymnastics. He loves this thing!
Every chance he gets he hugs and lays on "Nani". My cuties!!!
Sleepy boy.
More hugs!
Yay fruit!!

Sam loves laying on Natalie and of course Natalie loves it too! haha, I was out of town this night. Look at Sam's PJ's! Daddy is awesome!

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