Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sam's First Holiday

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Believe it or not, Sam is already a month old. We took him to his well check and he weighs 9 lbs 3/4 oz (25%), he is 20 3/4 inches long (25%) and his head circumference is 15 inches (50%). Even though he doesn't do much more than eat, sleep and poop we have had a lot going on. He still has reddish hair and blue eyes, although his eyes have started to change to green or brown. It has been an adjustment for all of us to have the little guy around, Natalie especially. She is getting used to him being here though. She really does well with him. She calls him "My Sam", how sweet.

The hardest part of this month has been getting the little guy on formula. I had to quit breast feeding after two weeks because of an infection. That was hard especially since I breast fed Natalie until she was 7 months. Anyways, we switched him to formula. He started vomiting once a day, every day and was incredibly fussy. We called the pediatrician and they switched him to the sensitive formula. After about four days, we were back at the doctor's office because it didn't help. Then they switched him to a formula called Alimentum. They told us that it is the easiest to digest and it would help determine if he has reflux or formula sensitivity. As soon as we switched he started doing much better. The vomiting stopped. Now that we new it wasn't reflux, we switched him to soy hoping it would work because the other formula is terribly expensive. After a day and a half on soy, the vomiting and fussiness came back. So, he went back on the Alimentum. We have decided to keep him on it until we see the doctor again for his two month check up. The silver lining of all this is that he is still gaining weight well, gaining almost two pounds this month!

When he is on the Alimentum he actually sleeps pretty good going about 5 to 6 hours between bottles once a night. That helps a ton since then I usually give him a bottle at 9pm, then at 2 or 3 am and then at 5 or 6 am. This won't be bad once I go back to work especially considering that he was getting up every 2 to 3 hours at night when he is on the other formulas!

Sam's first bath. The one with the towel was taken about a few seconds before he started screaming.
Snoozing away!
Our lazy little guy on his first tummy time. He almost fell asleep!
Wide awake with his cute outfit.

With the huge paci that he likes.

Alseep while taking a bath! LOL!

More tummy time.
With his big Sis.
Sam's room. I have been waiting to take this picture until I finished painting the toy chest. I painted it to match his bedding.