Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sam's First Road Trip

I had to go to Denver for work and I was going to be gone for 7 days. I could not stand the idea of being away from Sam for that long when he was only 2 months old and I felt bad for Jason having to stay home with both Sam and Natalie for that long. So, I decided to drive and take Sam with me. Cynthia was done with school and she came with me to watch Sam during the day while I was working. It almost didn't work! She had a final that wednesday but luckily her professor let her take it early. So, we left on Saturday and drove to Blue Springs, MO. The next morning we drove to Denver for me to be able to start working Monday morning. Sam actually did great. We had a few moments that we got a little nervous. He threw up in the car on the first day. Luckily most of it was on his clothes and we were able to get him cleaned up pretty fast. The first night we almost ran into severe weather. It was about 100 miles west of us. There was an actual tornado off I-70 (which we were on) and people had to leave their cars and run to a ditch. When this happened we had just stopped for the night on the east side of Kansas City.

Sam did great and Cynthia did too. By the end of the week they were great friends! I worked all week and we left on Friday and drove about 10 hrs that night. Not sure if that was the best idea , it was pretty dark and we didn't get to the hotel until 3:15 am. I forgot we lost an hour in that direction! Sam woke up at 6:30 that morning and we started back to Louisville.

Jason thought I was crazy to do this but it made it a lot easier to be away. I thought the week went great. Thanks tia Cynthia for helping!!

Thank goodness for the little bugs. Sam watched and talked to them the whole time when he wasn't sleeping.
Passing through St. Louis.
Somewhere in Kansas.
The little man.
Monday morning in Denver we woke up to this. We had no idea it was supposed to snow. Luckily it was all gone by that afternoon and it was 70 degrees by Wednesday.
Getting ready to go down to the pool. We actually just sat in the hot tub. Sam sat in my lap and only had his butt and feet in the water. I was afraid it would be too hot for him. He loved it.
Driving back.

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