So, what is the little man doing these days:
1. He loves to jump like a frog. He looks so cute doing it. Will have to get a picture and video of it.
2. His favorite foods are banana, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, pizza and pasta. He is doing lots better with eating meat. He will actually eat beef stew or chicken noodle soup without spitting put the meat.
3. He has started having requests for his bedtime song. The other night he said "chuku, chuku". No idea what it was until he said stars and then I realized he wanted Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars. He also kept saying Izzy for Itsy Bitsy Spider. I guess You are My Sunshine doesn't cut it any more.
4. He has started sleeping with things. Some nights it's his monkey pillow pet, others it's a stuffed Buzz Lightyear, a crocodile or some teddy bears. It changes from night to night. Last few nights he wants to sleep with his Buzz blanket.
5. He now knows to run when I want to change his diaper, put him to bed, give him his medicine, etc. He is fast too.
6. He is completely obsessed with trains. Which reminds me, he has tried to sleep with trains too. We moved his train table into his room and he goes in there on his own to play sometimes even in the dark! He likes to connect as many trains as possible.
7. He is good at hiding. He likes to hide under the bed, behind the couch or chairs, anywhere where he is out of sight. Especially when I am yelling for him to come out!
8. He repeats everything and just like Natalie is a little chatter bug. It will be interesting in our house in another year when they will both talk non stop.
9. He loves singing. Especially Happy Birthday. Every time he sees a flame, doesn't need to be on a candle he starts singing. He can sing and dance the Beyonce song Single Ladies thanks to Natalie's instruction too :)
10. He loves making you laugh. It's funny how little he still is but know exactly what to do to make you laugh. He makes silly voices and faces or he just acts plain silly.
11. He and Natalie love to wrestle. They love it, we hate it. Someone (usually Natalie) always ends up crying.
12. He wakes up between 430 and 530 EVERY day. Thanks bud!
13. If he sees you have a boo boo, he will ask you about it for days and every time he sees he will kiss it. He gave me so many kisses on my knuckle when I had a little scratch. Even once it was already gone.
14. His favorite word right now is MINE. Not very surprising for a two year old.
15. He loves his big sis so much. He got so upset the other day when we left day care without Natalie. Natalie was home sick and he thought the were leaving her. He kept saying "no, Natalie" and trying to walk to the back to her room. So sweet. He is so happy when she is around. Even when I drop them off at day care. As long as it's early and he gets to be in the same room as she is in, he could care less that I have to leave. If we get there late and he has to stay in his own room, it's awful!
16. The terrible twos with tantrums have started. Nice.
He is such a sweet, loveable, cuddly little boy. We love you so much! Happy Birthday Sam!
Sam's birthday cupcake.
Opening his Toy Story tent.
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