After the stomach bug his acid reflux was awful. He would wake up every night screaming. Poor baby! he wouldn't even open his eyes. He was so tired too but could not sleep. We took him to see a Pediatric GI and she was no help. She pretty much said just wait it out (easy for her to say!). In the middle of all this the ear infections started. He started antibiotics which would hurt his stomach even more. I think he ate only yogurt for weeks!!
Several weeks went by with antibiotics and changing his acid reflux medicine (thanks to his pediatrician). His ear infection was not clearing up. Amoxicillan first, then Omnicef, Augmentin, UGH! He was still not sleeping. Every night waking up. Jason and I were pretty much zombies at this point.
Took him to get an upper GI. Everything physically OK thankfully!
Next week ear infection back. His fever was up to 103 and he could hardly sit up. He looked and felt awful. Poor baby!! Started him on azithromycin. Three days later he was screaming all night,rash covered his face and stomach. By the next day his entire body was covered in hives. Allergic reaction to penicillin or azithromycin. UGH! adding something else to the list. Off antibiotics and too see the ENT.
Last week back to not sleeping. Had only slept through the night for about 10 nights since October. Ear infection back. Brings us to today. Tubes finally in his ears!!! MY POOR LITTLE MAN!! HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!!