I had been having contractions all day Monday (02.09.09). It really wasn't much different than the other days those past three weeks. Jason worked late that night so when he got home he got Natalie in the tub and we got her to bed. We decided to watch "No Reservations" since we were a little embarrassed that we were ready for bed at 8:30!! At around 9 pm I got up to get a snack and my water broke. Well...kind of broke. We waited around 30 minutes to make sure and then we called the doctor. Of course they told me to go into the hospital. After getting a bag ready for Natalie and getting all of our stuff together we got to the labor and delivery triage at 10 pm. We were there for about an hour and a half. The whole time I was there I still had contractions that were about 6 minutes apart. They used some test strips to see if my water had broken and three tests later they said that my water had not broken and they were sending me home. I FREAKED OUT!! I was so upset!! I could not believe they were sending us home only after 1 1/2 hrs. I asked to talk to the doctor but they said she was not available. I told the nurses that I really didn't think we should go home. They pretty much told me that there wasn't anything more for them to do, that I should go home. I cried, got upset with them, had an argument with one of them but at the end they won and we went home.
We got home about midnight and tried to go to sleep. Of course I couldn't. My contractions started getting erratic, 3 min, 5 min, 7 min back to 2 or 3 min apart and they were getting really intense. About 1:3o am I went and got Jason. I couldn't wait any more. We called the doctor again and after not getting a phone call back within 10 minutes, we were headed back to the hospital. Within minutes, my contractions were only 2 to 3 minutes apart. We got to the hospital and I wasn't sure I could even get out of the car! We got to the emergency room and Jason wheeled me up to triage. By the time we got there, I thought I was about to die of pain!! Of course the nurses saw me and jumped. We were in a room and hooked up to monitors in seconds. Jason had to leave for a few minutes to register me since it was officially the next day. I just kept asking for an epidural. They put in an IV so they could do a blood test and give me the epidural but by then it was too late. When I got there they checked me and I was 4 cm dilated, a few minutes later they checked again and I was fully dilated. Anyways, Sam was born at 2:21 am on a tiny bed in triage room #2. The only people there was a nurse, Jason and me. Jason was absolutely awesome. I know he was about to pass out but he kept up a good front for me. He seemed so calm!! After Sam was born we found out that we checked into triage at 2:10 am only 11 minutes before!!
They immediately took Sam to a labor and delivery room to assess him and put him under the warmers. I got to the l&d room about 15 minutes later. After all that, I still had to wait about 45 minutes before I got any pain medicine because the doctor had not gotten to the hospital yet. Finally the doctor got there and we were able to finish all the post delivery stuff.
We didn't get to see Sam again until 7 am that morning. His temperature was not regulating on its own so they had to keep him in the nursery a little longer than normal. Finally that morning we got to see and hold our little guy for an extended period of time. He weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz and was 20 inches long. Luckily he had no complications other than the temperature thing.
After a long night, we were all a little freaked out and exhausted but we had our little guy!!! Once we had some time to think about everything that had happened we realized how lucky we were that we didn't pick up Natalie from my Mom's after the first hospital trip. If we had, we would have taken her back before going to the hospital the secod time and we would have lost our ten minute window. Sam would have probably been born in the car!! UGH!! What a thought!!
So, here is our newest addition to our family.